About Saman360

  • Representative registration steps

How did Saman360 come about?

  • How did Saman 360 come about?

    Saman Information Structure Engineering Company has been operating in the field of production and supply of organizational portals for large customers since 2001. The product of Saman Portal and Saman Suite software, which is one of the well-known and prominent brands in the category of large government agencies of the country's banks and insurances, is the result of our years of efforts and experience with prominent and valuable customers of Saman Company. For many years, a range of customers ...

Saman360 business model

  • Saman360 business model

    Saman360 is a cloud service and a business platform. Numerous business partners in the (Platform Business Model) of this network work to ensure the best service and appropriate quality.

We are committed to the success of all stakeholders (customers and partners) in Saman360

Join us in Saman360

  • Join us in Saman360

    Partnering with Saman360 creates an exceptional opportunity for your business. We have provided special conditions that guarantee multiple benefits to both parties.

  • Request for partnership

Founders of Saman 360